Popular Cycling Routes - Construction Updates
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Construction and conditions compiled by Tulsa Bicycle Club membership ...
Info last updated: 1/9/2005
East Bank trail closure behind River Spirit Casino
Starting Jan 13, the trail benind the casino will be closed Mon-Fri until late March. Work will be takimng place on the bank along the river. Detour will be the old trail between Riverside and the casino complex.
Snake Creek bridge (201st between Mingo and Memorial) Work has begun on the bridge replacement. This bridge had been closed for many years. Expected completion date is early next year. .
Case park in Sand Springs Hwy 97 trail entrance closed
The entrance to the park off of Hwy 97 is still closed. This time there is a drainage project just to the west of Hwy 97. Park of the trail has been dug up and both sides of the construction are fenced off.
Morrow road and Hwy 97 in Sand Springs
Morro road is closed on the west side of the intersection
Riverparks East Bank Trail
Work is still continuing along the east bank trail between the Midland Valley trail and the north end of the gathering place. Expect equipment and workers on the trail while work wraps up.
RIverparks west bank trail between Turkey Mtn parking lot and 71st St
A widening project on Elwood is underway. Watch for limbs and equipment between the trail and Elwood. All the vegetation is being removed between the trail and Elwood from the north side of the REI parking lot to 71st Street
Riverparks west bank trail under I-44.
Construction is occurring beside the trail just north of the sewage treatment facility and the I-44 overpass.