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Please refer to our Group Riding Guidelines, before joining us for a ride.




Regularly scheduled Group Rides

Check our Club calendar for regular club rides, event rides, area rides and related events.

Tulsa area cycling route maps and Ride With GPS Club Page

A host of maps for riding routes in the Tulsa area.  Access to the Club's Ride With GPS Club Page for downloading maps in PDF format or directly to your smart phone or GPS device.


Through your membership, you receive liability, secondary medical, and accidental death/dismemberment insurance while participating in Club activities.

Discounts on Club event-ride registration

Members, including your family members, receive discounted registration fees for our Club event rides like the Tour de Tulsa.

Community involvement

Tulsa Bicycle Club is engaged in a number of community projects and advocacy efforts. The Club sponsors BIKE CLUB at Cooper Elementary, a program teaching bike safety and enjoyment to 5th grade students. We host Bike Maintenance Events periodically in the neighborhood near Cooper Elementary where we fix flats and perform other minor maintenance activities to keep kids and parents riding.

Voice in bicycling advocacy efforts

Club members are actively involved in local advocacy efforts. We have a member on the River Parks Authority advisory committee and are often represented on both local and state advisory groups such as INCOG's Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation's Active Transportation Committee (ACT). We are also members of both our state and national bicycling advocacy organizations, Bike Oklahoma and the League of American Bicyclests.

Social events

Enjoy a number of gatherings throughout the year that may or may not involve riding your bike but will involve sharing time and tales with Club friends.  From the spring Lasagna Ride to the Watermelon Ride and Christmas gathering, we gather frequently simply to enjoy one another's company.

Improved fitness and mental health

Bicycling is a great way to maintain or regain fitness and good health. Staying active throughout your life results in greater health and happiness and is cost effective to boot!

Club facebook page and facebook group

In this day of ubiquitous Social Media engagement, you can stay in touch with the Club via our facebook page.  Interact with other cyclists in and around Tulsa and discover rides and events you may not have know about otherwise.  You can also communicate with other area cyclists on our facebook group; more open and meant to serve as a place where Tulsa cyclists can gather and plan rides together.

Discounts at local bike shops

A few Tulsa-area bicycle shops offer Club members a discount on bicycling accessories. Be sure to ask if they offer a discount to TBC members when patronizing your local shop. Flash your membership card for verification should they ask you for proof of membership.

Educational programs/meetings

We've not had face-to-face meetings since mid-2020 due to the Covid pandemic, but we're hoping to schedule in-person meetings again soon.

Members only website content

When you log in to our Club web page, you'll have access to information not available to the casual page visitor.

Individual membership $22/yr, family $30/year

Just $30 per year gets your family all this and more. No riding family members? Individual memberships are just $22/year.

Support our local bike shops!

About Us
Club docs/Stmnts/Rpts
Join/Renew Online
facebook Page
facebook Group
Contact Us
Weekly Rides
Tour de Tulsa
Fall Century
Ride With GPS - Club page
How To's
It's The Law
Bike/Ped Advisory Committee
Bike/Ped Master Plan
Lasagna Ride
Ice Cream Ride
Holiday Gathering
New Years Day Ride
BIKE CLUB - Cooper Elementary
Local Bike Shops
Bike Orgs, State & Nat'l
Okla Bike Clubs
Bike Books
Cycling Blogs
Bike Movies

Do you see website errors?  Please contact our  webmaster.
Tulsa Bicycle Club: 1622 E 45th St, Tulsa, OK 74105-4118 ...  Contact Us