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HomeResource - Cycling Blogs

Cycling Blogs


There are more blogs about cycling than there is time to read them; actually, it would take several lifetimes.  However, if you're a blog fan, you may enjoy some of those found in the lists provided and collected here from various "listing" sites.  If you have some particular favorites that you think we should high-light, shoot an email to the TBC webmaster.  Here goes ...


From LovingTheBike - The Crank List

LovingTheBike produces a "best of" list and here's a link to the 2012 "best of" blog list from their site ... The Crank Directory 2012



Bike blogs for women

BikeStyleSpokane has an exhaustive list of cycling blogs by and for women ... Women's Bike Blogs, the comprehensive list!




From Blog Rank


Top 50 Cycling Blogs from "blog-rank" ...




From LondonCycling

This post appeared on in 2009 but is still one of the most comprehensive lists of cycling related blogs on the internet.  If you see any missing that you want to share, send a note to the TBC webmaster.

Top 50 cycling blogs

This list shows a collection of the best cycle blogs in the world. I hope it helps you discover something new. It took me absolutely ages to put together, so if you enjoyed it I would hugely appreciate any tweets/stumbles/diggs. Some notes on the list:

  • It was calculated by looking at over 100 cycling blogs
  • The rank is based on a number of elements such as Google Pagerank, Twitter Rank, Alexa Rank, number of comments and Technorati Authority
  • Certain blogs have been excluded where the primary focus of the site was not really on cycling
  • I have not included London Cyclist on the list for two reasons. 1. It is clearly an awesome blog 2. I did not want to be seen as biased
  • Where blogs have a twitter account I have linked to this in the rank number on the left
  • You may look through the list and think: “Why didn’t you include X blog” – I realise I may well have missed a great blog so apologies if I have but these are all the ones I could find in a reasonable time frame. Feel free to email me any suggestions for future lists
Rank Blog Quick description
1 Bike Portland Portland bike scene news
2 BikeSnob NYC Popular blog on bicycle culture
3 Fat Cyclist The one and only Fatty
4 Copenhagen Cycle chic Pictures of cycling in Copenhagen
5 Copenhagenize Life in the worlds cycling capital
6 Urban Velo Reflecting on bicycle culture
7 Commute by Bike The place to go for all things commuting
8 Gwadzilla Rants on cycling and on life
9 Velorution UK bicycle blog and company
10 Cyclelicious Covering bicycle culture
11 Bicycle Design Very interesting posts on bicycle design
12 Bike Commuters Getting people into bicycle commuting
13 Bike Hugger Beautifully designed blog with excellent posts
14 Kent’s Bike Blog Bike related thoughts
15 Bicycle Tutor Great source of bicycle repair tutorials
16 Eco Velo Eco friendly cycling
17 Podium Cafe The world of Pro Cycling
18 Masiguy Recovering bicycle addict blog
19 Drunk Cyclist “Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.”
20 Focus on video content
21 Amsterdamize “100% Lycra-Free, Guaranteed”
22 Cozy Beehive Bike tech and engineering, to history, humour & pain
23 Onionbagblog Cycling sport in South London
24 Bike Hacks Bicycle customisation from funky to functional
25 Bike Rumor Product rumours in the bike industry.

26 Guitar Ted A blog by a bicycle and guitar fixated individual
27 Do The Right Thing Excellent blog with some unique posts
28 The Bike Show Bicycle radio show podcast
29 Trackosaurus rex Hard to describe – but worth visiting!
30 The Velo ORANGE Blog A blog about bicycles and cyclo-touring
31 Bike Blog NYC Urban bike culture in NYC and beyond
32 Bike Commute Tips Helpful suggestions for bike commuting
33 Biking Toronto Info about cycling in Toronto
34 RidingPretty Looking good on your bike
35 London Cycle Chic Cycling and looking good, love this blog!
36 Bicycles and Icicles Cycling through the cold
37 Treep.Bike Particular focus on New York State
38 Fit Chick Fitness, training, racing and where they take you
40 Dave Moulton’s Bike Blog An ex-framebuilder’s personal thoughts on cycling
41 Ride-Strong Avid cyclist and triathlete with passion for cycling
42 The Epicurean Cyclist “Wool, Twine and All Things Fine in Cycle Touring”
43 Velo Vogue Pictures of stylish cyclists in San Francisco
44 Velogogo News, bike culture and bling bling
45 CycleDog Humorous blog from cyclist with an attitude
46 Let’s Go Ride a Bike Two girls practising city cycling
47 London Cycling Diary Pedalling across the capital
48 Girls and Bicycles Girls on bicycles
49 Cycling Challenge Cycling in the Alps
50 The Bike Noob Adventures of a biking newbie!





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