Tulsa Bicycle Club - Ride Guidelines
The following guidelines have been established by the Tulsa Bicycle Club to ensure the safest group cycling experience for our membership.
Download these guidelines as a PDF document
ALL RIDERS are expected to follow these guidelines when participating in a Tulsa Bicycle Club ride. They’re good guidelines for riding any time, whether in a group or riding solo.
Whether riding alone or with a group, follow these guidelines
- Let family members or emergency contacts know your route and when you will be home.
- Set up a “ride tracker” if you have one. Carry a mobile phone and enter the emergency contact information in your smart phone's app to assist first responders should you have an accident.
- Carry your own food and water rather than stopping at grocery stores, as this will decrease the likelihood of spreading the virus and avoid straining these shared resources.
- Carry everything you would need to address mechanical problems, such as a flat tube or tire.
- Carry a spare tube, tire tools, and either CO2 cartridge inflator or pump.
- Avoid bathroom stops by planning your ride appropriately. Many public bathrooms and parks are now closed.
- Use sterilizing hand wipes, hand sanitizer, or a clean cloth, to open doors.
- If you absolutely have to stop at a restroom, wash your hands before using the facilities (to avoid spreading the virus if you happen to be a carrier) and after (to avoid picking up the virus).
- Heed stop signs and take responsibility for yourself when crossing intersections; i.e. don't rely on the rider in front of you to determine when crossing is safe.
- Avoid door zones.
- Wear bright clothing.
- Use head and tail lights both day and night.
- Use a mirror and/or scan about and behind you regularly.
Don’t spit or blow “snot rockets.”
- Carry tissue or a handkerchief if needed, and carefully dispose of tissues.
- Handkerchiefs, gloves and sleeves attract germs; isolate them and wash them after every ride.
Exercise hightened awareness when riding on multi-use trails.
Individual pre-ride health self-assessment
Before every ride, perform the following health self-assessment and DO NOT RIDE if you have any of the following symptoms ...
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fever
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
Additionally, you MUST NOT RIDE if ...
- ... you have been tested and are positive for COVID-19, flu, or other communicable illnesses.
- ... you have been tested for COVID-19 but have not yet received the results.
- ... you, or anyone in your household, are experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19 or other communicable illnesses.
- ... you have been in close contact with someone who is suspected of being infected, or confirmed to have been infected, with a communicable illness.
Ride Safe, Ride Smart!
Download these guidelines as a PDF document